Spring & Teddy come to the farm

After a very mild winter, spring has come early.  Although we haven’t needed the snowplows (yet), blooms have appeared.  The daffodils above were blooming at the end of February.  Always exciting to see life returning.

And speaking of life returning, our quite country life just got very exciting.  Teddy, a 7 week old Lab, has arrived at the farm.  Teddy was born just north of the Ohio river in southern Indiana.

Paula and Barry made the two hour drive to pick Teddy up on a sunny early March day. Teddy was ready for an adventure, but he hadn’t had many trips outside of the kennel and none away from his litter mates.  As we drove away, Teddy let us know that this was all new and he wasn’t too sure about it.

Paula finally got Teddy to take a little nap, but not until we had driven for half an hour or more.  After his nap, he woke feeling much better about the whole event and before he knew it, we pulled into the driveway and up the hill.

Teddy took to the grass – his first time on that surface – and enjoyed all the space.  He was ready for a pee break too.  This outside stuff is OK.

We spent some time in the yard before heading indoors to have some lunch.  In true Lab form, Teddy was ready to eat!

A little post lunch nap and back outside to explore.  Teddy really likes the outdoors.

He is going to love these long walks in the prairie grass.

He is going to be a trooper

Time for another nap – this one in a special place

An exciting first day and the first of many to come.  Stay tuned.


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